What I want to share from my experiences is that love conquers everything.It is my hope that it will inspire the readers to open their hearts to the Divine. If we can try to understand that we all are equally part of the Divine and are here to achieve this greater Truth and to realise our Self - if we make this our goal and do everything with Love…then everything will be lovely and you will always be happy.


Sri Swami Vishwananda

Monday, January 7, 2013

You know that the Reality is only realised when you surrender to the Divine Feet....

As long as one does not surrender the mind, one is a slave of the mind. Our mind is bound by the five attachments: greed, lust, anger, ego and jealousy. These are the five gross qualities that make up our mind
and the strongest of them is the ego. In place of surrendering the mind to the Lord, pride and ego make one surrender to all other things except the Lord. That is why we become restless, because the mind is not at the right place. The soul inside of us is jumping and telling us, “Hey, mind, surrender yourself!” but the mind says, “No! I am better off with my own worries, because that is how I can drag you down completely.” The soul says, “But this is just an illusion”, because - deep inside - you know that the Reality is only realised when you surrender to the Divine Feet; when you realise the mystery of your incarnation, when you realise your Dharma, your duty here, and achieve that. Deep inside, each one of you does know about it. It is not about me saying it; it is about you, yourself, knowing that. But the mind makes it impossible, because whenever we say: don’t do something, detach yourself from it, what does the mind do? The mind gets more active and says “No, no, no. Do it!” But the moment you do it, you get entangled in it. And then, one will lead to the other. It will never end! Then, when you look back, you say, “Oops, if I could have changed it from the beginning, I would have changed it!” How many times in your life did you take such a decision, and then, afterwards, you said, “I should have done it differently!” It happens, doesn´t it?

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