What I want to share from my experiences is that love conquers everything.It is my hope that it will inspire the readers to open their hearts to the Divine. If we can try to understand that we all are equally part of the Divine and are here to achieve this greater Truth and to realise our Self - if we make this our goal and do everything with Love…then everything will be lovely and you will always be happy.


Sri Swami Vishwananda

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Floating in the Hand of God......

In this kirtan that we just sang, the meaning of the first two lines: Chori Chori Makhan Kha Gayo Re is: very stealthily Krishna is stealing butter and eating it. The second line, Sabke Man Ko Loobha Gayo Re, means: in the same way He steals the butter, the same way God steals the heart of Man.  God steals the hearts of men, the same way, little by little, He steals the heart. This is actually the Love. This is what one has to go through to let one’s heart be stolen by God. The more you resist, the more it becomes difficult. The more you say “Yes, take it. Steal it. It is yours already,” the more you will see how you float in your spiritual path, how you float in the hand of God, but the more you use the mind and try to stop it, the more you will see that there will be lots of pain that will come. The pain gets transformed into Divine Love, merges into Divine Love and becomes Divine Love, because even pain, even problems, all is from Him. The one small step that one has to take is to realise that it is from Him. We know it and we say “Yes, everything is from God,” but when a problem comes we forget about God. We don’t say that it is from God. Actually, there is His Hand in it also, we just need to be aware of that. In the calmness of your mind, in the depth of your heart, you know that everything is His game. All of you who are sitting here know it’s His game. As long as we like this drama, as long as we want to play this game, we will be in the game. That’s what Krishna did as His Lila when he was small, and that’s the same Lila that we are all playing. We think that spirituality is far away. No, spirituality is very near; it’s just here in one’s heart. In all the techniques that we will be talking about very soon – through the grace of Mahavatar Babaji we’ll be doing the Atma Kriya – He is there already. He is already sitting there. All techniques lead you to this path. With all these techniques that we do, including meditation, we are saying to God “Here, I am surrendering myself. Reveal Yourself to me. Let me taste the little sweetness of the Amrita that You are, that is deep within me.” Like I said, through the grace of Mahavatar Babaji, soon we’ll do the Atma Kriya and you will see how easy it is to be in the different mood of the Divine, anytime. Often people think “Why do we have to be spiritual? Why do we have to be ready for God?” Why not just sit down and say “God will give whenever He wants to give?” It’s true if you don’t make any effort, you will not know how to handle what God wants to give you. It’s only when you start making your effort and say “Yes God, I’m working on myself to be ready for You. I’m working on myself to be ready for this realisation and I’m trying to be ready also to help others”, then God will give it to you. Even if He has to give it on a silver plate or even on a diamond plate, He will do it, but the effort, you have to do it. When you look at the mind, it’s decorated with so many beautiful things that it traps people into it. To become spiritual is to divert this beauty of the mind to the heart, and go in the boat of the heart to reach the final destination, to reach the Oneness of God within you. All that you are practicing is good; whatever path you take is good. Know that the main thing is that you have to reach. The more you say “Yes, take it. Steal it. It is yours already”, the more you will see how you float in your spiritual path, how you float in the hand of God. But the more you use the mind and try to stop it, the more you will see that there will be lots of pain that will come.

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