is said that to Realise God, one has to have complete trust, one has
to have complete dedication to what one really wants, because if
we give ourselves halfway, God will also give Himself halfway. But if
we give ourselves fully to Him and call sincerely from our heart to Him,
He will respond back to us. Tulsidas
was a saint who lived in the 16th century
in India
and his love
for Lord Rama was so great that, wherever he looked, he would see
only Rama. He was an orphan and he came from a very low caste.
At that time in India – but also now - people followed the caste
system. The Brahmins were
the highest caste and the Sudras belonged
to the lowest caste. But Tulsidas´ love for Rama was so great
that he always carried a small statue of Lord Rama with him. When
his parents died, nobody looked after him and wherever he would
go, the people went away from him, because he was from a low
caste. One
day Tulsidas´ Guru took him to his ashram and
said to the people
“You people, who always think that you know God, you know
Him only through scriptures; you know only what is said in the
books, nothing else. But the Lord Sri Hari is above all this. He loves
everybody and everybody is equal to Him. He is with anybody who
calls Him with sincere heart.” So the Guru took Tulsidas under
his care and looked after him. When Tulsidas grew up, he became
well versed in Sanskrit and his main aim was to give the Ramcharitmanas,
which means The story of Lord
Rama, to the people in
their own language. He
started to compose poems. He, also, sang the Ramcharitmanas in
Marathi, his own native language. The Brahmins
didn’t like this at all,
because they said that Sanskrit is the language of the Devas,
of the
Gods - well, some people think also that God speaks only Latin* -
but Tulsidas´ main aim was to translate the Ramcharitmanas
and give
it to the people, to everybody, equally. Through that he had many
enemies. When
it came time for Tulsidas to get married, one of his brothers was
against him and said “No, I have to get married to that girl and not
you!” But it was the girl´s father who wanted Tulsidas to get married
with his daughter, Ratnavali, and finally he got married with
her, and they were very happy. They, also, went to get the blessing
of the Guru, who took the small statue of Rama, which Tulsidas
had bought in the ashram when
he was very small, and gave
it to him and said “I don’t have anything to give you on this special
day, but take this statue of Rama and never forget about Him!”
Tulsidas replied “Guruji, how could I forget about Rama?” He
took the statue of Rama at home, he put it on the altar and at that
moment he completely forgot about Rama, because his mind was
focused only on his wife. He got so obsessed by his wife that she
became everything for him. Every moment, day and night, he wanted
to be just next to his wife. They had a shop, because when they
got married his father-in-law gave him a shop. One
day he had to go to another town to get some clothes for the shop.
So, in the morning, he said good bye to his wife and went to
the other shops to buy his stuff. But, at the same time, his wife got
a message that her father was not well and he would like to see her
for the last time before he died. So she rushed quickly to the father’s
place. When Tulsidas came home and didn’t find his wife, he
became mad. He found a note on the bed saying, “I have gone to my
father’s place. I need some time for myself, because I have seen how
obsessed you are about me and also because my father is ill.” Tulsidas
could not bear this and he went to his father-in-law´s place.
On the way there was a big storm and he had to swim across the
river. When he finally arrived, he saw that the door was locked and
he was wondering what to do and how to go inside. So he started
climbing over the wall of the house and some people who saw
it thought that he was a thief. They started running around and
calling everybody “There is a thief around, come, let´s catch him!”
But Tulsidas managed to get inside the house and when the people
came inside they saw that it was him and they asked him “Why
did you climb over the wall like this? It’s your own father-inlaw ´s
house, you can use the door.” They understood that he was madly
in love and they went to the wife and said “Do you know what
kind of husband you have? He is so much in love with you that
he cannot let you go like that.” The
wife became very angry.
She went to Tulsidas and said to him “Listen,
I do appreciate whatever you’re doing for me, but I will tell you
one thing: if you would have this kind of love for Rama, for sure you
would get liberation, He would liberate you. If you would have such
a Love for Him, He would always be with you. Instead, toward me,
you are just looking at me for your own pleasure, with your lustful
eyes. You desire only my body, which is just a bag of bones and
it can give you satisfaction only for some time. So have such Love
for Rama and he will liberate you from this.” Then she left and her
words stayed in Tulsidas´ mind: he was thinking and thinking. Then
again this urge for Rama awoke in his heart. He left everything and
said “How could I forget about You, Rama? I have forgotten about
You because of this illusion of this world. For the sake of the bag
of bones, I forgot about You, but as this bag
of bones has become my
guru, I look for You again, Rama: reveal Yourself to me!” For days
and days he kept walking around, just repeating the name of
Ram. Finally, he could not walk anymore and he fell down in a forest,
but still he kept singing the name of Rama: Ram
Ram Ram Ram
Ram Ram. He was singing and singing and
singing, Rama. After
some time, he heard a voice say “Tulsidas, you are such a great
soul. I know why you are chanting the name of Rama and I
will tell you how to find Him.” Tulsidas lifted his head up and looked
around, but couldn´t see anybody. So he asked “Who are you?
I can’t see you.” The voice answered “I am a ghost who lives in this
tree. I became a ghost because of my own wish. I had a desire to
have some Ganges water on the last day of my
life, but I didn´t have
any. Now I consider myself very lucky, because you have been chanting
for nine days continuously the name of Rama next to me. I
will reveal Him to you but, for that, you will have to bring some Ganges
water for me.” Tulsidas
agreed and went to collect one pot of water from the Ganges.
He brought the pot to the tree and the ghost from the tree said
“I am blessed and I got liberated, firstly, because you fulfilled my
wish by bringing the Ganges water to me, and
secondly, because I
have heard the Holy Name of Rama continuously for nine days. So
I will reveal Him to you. Go to Kashi. There you will find a priest who
will be chanting the story of Rama. There will be an old man who
will come first and he will also leave the last. He is Hanuman, the
servant of Rama, and He will direct you to Rama.” Saying this, the
ghost which was on the tree got liberated. Tulsidas
went to this town. There he went to this place where the ghost
had told him to go. As he was sitting there, the priest was reading
the Ramcharitmanas in
Sanskrit. And it was so boring that,
one by one, the people fell asleep. And, one by one, they all would
go away. After the singing, everybody was gone and only Tulsidas
was left and he went to the priest and said “Priest, why do
you do like that? Why are you singing the Ramcharitmanas
in Sanskrit?
Why don’t you sing it in their native language, in Hindi?” Then
the priest, who was jealous of him, said “Oh, you can’t sing the
Ramcharitmanas in
any other language, because it would be blasphemy.
You can sing it only in Sanskrit!” Then Tulsidas said to
priest “If it would be in Hindi, it would be more interesting and people
would not go away, but they would listen to you.” The priest became
very angry with Tulsidas and pushed him away, but, as he was
going away, he saw an old man sitting there. He
went to this old man who said “Oh, you were right: it´s good that you
said to him that it would be better to chant the Ramcharitmanas in
the native language of the local people.” Tulsidas knew that this old
man with white beard was Hanuman in disguise and he fell down
at His feet and said “Please, reveal
Rama to me!” The old man said
“Me? How will I reveal Rama to you?” Tulsidas answered “You are
Hanuman.” The old man said “Hah, Me Hanuman? No, no, no, no.”
But Tulsidas insisted “Please, remove
your disguise, show really Yourself!
I know it´s You, the servant of Rama.” He was asking with so
much faith and devotion that Hanuman appeared in His real form.
He blessed Tulsidas and said to him “You will see Rama. Go to
the Ganges tomorrow and you will see Rama
there. Rama will
to you.” The
next day Tulsidas was sitting on the banks of the Ganges,
where he
was preparing some chandan paste.
Two young princes came to him
and said, “Holy man, give us some chandan.”
Without even
Tulsidas just took a little bit of it, put it on betel leaves and
gave it to them. Of course, these men were in disguise. Poor Tulsidas,
he could not know who was in front of him. His desire was
to see Rama, but still, when Rama was in front of him he was too
blind to recognise Him. At the same time, Hanuman appeared on
the tree just above and sang “How blessed is Tulsidas to have the darshan
of Lord Rama and Lakshmana who have come from Heaven to
Him.” Hearing that, Tulsidas recognised that it was Rama and
who were standing in front of him. He bowed down to their
feet and Rama blessed him without saying anything. Just the smile
of Rama was enough. Later
Tulsidas composed Ramcharitmanas,
expanding the Ramayana
and translating it into Hindi, and he had many, many, many
people who would follow him. Many of the Brahmin
priests changed
and started to sing it in Hindi, but the jealous one tried everything
to stop Tulsidas. He knew that Tulsidas had only one copy
of the Ramcharitmanas,
so he decided to steal it. He sent one man
to steal it, but as the man was approaching the hut of Tulsidas, he
saw Rama and Lakshmana guarding the gate of the place. When this
man took one more step, Hanuman pulled him with His tail and
started to beat him up with the tail. So the man rushed quickly back
to the wicked priest and said to him “It is impossible. I got beaten.
There are guards guarding the hut.” Later they tried to burn the
hut, but all the fire merged into the Ramcharitmanas,
into the book.
It went inside the book and disappeared. In this way, they offended
Tulsidas many times. Once,
the son-in-law of the King of Kashi died and, during the
procession, the king’s daughter was walking by the side of her
dead husband. She was ready to be burned, as well, because at
that time, when a husband died, also, the wife alive had to be burned.
It is called sati.
Actually they carried on with this tradition until
the English occupied India.
Also, Gandhi was one of the main opponents
of this sati tradition
in which the wife is burned on the pyre
of her husband. So,
during this procession, they met Tulsidas and when the wife was
passing by him, he blessed her and told her “May you always be
happy in your family.” When the wicked Brahmin
priest heard this,
he said, angrily, to Tulsidas “How can you bless her to always be
happy in the family, when her husband has just died?” Tulsidas answered
to him “I don’t know, I just blessed her because Lord Rama
told me to bless her.” Then the Brahmin priest
said “If your faith
is really strong, it is said that through the name of Rama, one can
bring her husband back to life.”Tulsidas
started to pray to Rama and said to Him “Rama, if I am truthful
to You, give back life to this man. You give the life to many people,
You can, also, give life back to this dead man.” His Love and faith
in Sri Hari Rama was so strong, his prayer was so
strong that, when
he was chanting: Sri Ram, Jai Ram, Jai Jai Ram,
suddenly the man
just started to breathe again. He woke up, after being dead
a few days, and started to sing the name of Rama, but even this
miracle didn’t change the mind of the wicked priest. Again, he tried
to burn Tulsidas´ house, while Tulsidas was inside. At that time,
when he did that, everybody tried to put off the fire from the Tulsidas´
hut, but they could not. By the Grace of God, by the Love that
Tulsidas had for Rama, the fire ceased by itself. It became a ball
of fire, which started to follow the wicked priest who ran to his wife
and said, “Wife, save me!” Then the wife said to the ball of fire “Out
of ignorance, my husband has offended your devotee, Lord. Please,
have mercy on him.” Then she said to her husband “Go, and ask
Tulsidas´ forgiveness. He will surely forgive you.” The priest went
to ask Tulsidas´ forgiveness and became one of his devotees. He
started, also, to chant the Ramcharitmanas in
Hindi. Things
carried on like that and one day the wife of Tulsidas came to Him
and said “Out of anger, I sent you away, but now I’m calling you back.
Please come back.” Tulsidas replied “No, I can’t come back, but
I will do as you said, because you are now my Guru. Because you sent
me away, I have got Ram. He is now completely seated in my heart.
So whatever you say, I will do.” So the wife said “I will follow you,
wherever you are, whatever you do. I will, also, do that. You want
to live for Rama, I will live for serving you.” So,
whenever the Ramcharitmanas is
being read, the bhakti of Tulsidas
is always mentioned. The first thing, before even reading the
before even saying the name of Rama, is to bow
down to Tulsidas, who gave the name of Rama to the whole world,
and to Ratnavali, who let Tulsidas free, so that the name of Rama
could be spread out. This
story shows how one has to have complete surrender to God, complete
surrender to one´s path, complete surrender to the Deity, which
one feels inside his heart. One should, also, know that God is
beyond everything and that He loves everybody equally. It’s not upon anybody to go and try to change somebody’s mind, saying “My way
is right, your way is wrong.” Thinking like this is completely wrong.
We say we have only one God, but we adore Him in His many
forms until we reach a point to see this Oneness everywhere. The
life story of Tulsidas or any Self-Realised
saint is beyond the comprehension
of the mind, because
they live completely in
God. And they are calling everybody
to live completely in
God, to live in the Love of God
and to know that God is everywhere:
God is present in everybody.
we see the duality, the separation,
and through that separation,
God unites us and makes
us one with Him. He makes us Realise His Divinity, then we
stop talking about Him and we become completely quiet. As
as we have not found God, as long as we have not come to the
point of God-Realisation, Self-Realisation, we should never
lose hope,
we should never let
go of God´s Name, we should never let
go of
whatever we are doing.
lies behind this story is that one has to completely
surrender to
one´s path and, whatever obstructions or obstacles come on the way,
one has to always say “No” to them. Your aim is to have God- Realisation,
Self-Realisation. Until you have reached your aim, until you
have come to the point of complete trust and faith in yourself and
in God, keep trying!
Don’t let anything come in the way! Many
times the mind will come in the way and say “No, no, no, no, no,
no, you should not do like that, you should do like this”, but if you
listen to the mind, you will stop. You will become lazy. Only when
you really,
sincerely dedicate yourself and surrender to your path,
surrender to what you really want,
you will achieve your aim. The
aim is to Realise this Love that you have inside and to become this
Love so completely that every atom in your body will radiate this
Love of God. And this Love, you will spread it around always. This
Love is beyond everything: beyond the mind, beyond the body, even
beyond the Spirit itself. It is this Love that we have to attain.