What I want to share from my experiences is that love conquers everything.It is my hope that it will inspire the readers to open their hearts to the Divine. If we can try to understand that we all are equally part of the Divine and are here to achieve this greater Truth and to realise our Self - if we make this our goal and do everything with Love…then everything will be lovely and you will always be happy.


Sri Swami Vishwananda

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The power of Ram Naam.....

Navaratri and Dussera with Sri Swami Vishwananda

It is said that through the mere chanting of Ram Naam, one can attain Moksha - liberation. One will be free from all karmic influences. Such is the power of Ram Naam! Such is the power of the Name of the Lord that it can instantly liberate you. But, there is one thing: to get the full benefit of chanting the Divine Name, one has to chant it sincerely. One has to chant it wholeheartedly. At first, the chanting is just mechanical but when you go deeper into it, you will lose yourself into the Divine Name and drink the cup of Divine Love. And, once you drink the cup of Divine Love, you will see the world completely differently, because this Love has nothing to do with how we understand love with our minds: This Love is pure nectar, and to understand it, one has to drink it. So, chant the Divine Names!

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