Saturday, March 31, 2012
We ask ourselves if we are changing, in which way we are changing?

Friday, March 30, 2012
Sri Swami Vishwananda talks about........

Thursday, March 29, 2012
Words of Sri Swami Vishwananda.......

Whenever we pray, we pray towards the outside. We say that God is there and we are apart from Him. We should really stop separating the Divine from us. It doesn’t matter in which way you are praying, but if you talk with God, you talk with your true Self inside of you, so do it from here [Swami points to his heart]. There is one major factor that stops mankind from achieving that: it is the mind. But the mind can be overcome by chanting any Divine name. You see, if you practice it regularly, it will be moresimple for you to focus the mind.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
“I want to be One with you again.......

Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Sri Swami Vishwananda tells us today.....

Monday, March 26, 2012
Only the Lord, only Him, nothing else

Sunday, March 25, 2012
What is left is only Him......

Saturday, March 24, 2012
Words of Sri Swami Vishwananda.......

Thursday, March 22, 2012
Can we really love in this time that kind of Love?

On the spiritual path, on the path of searching, there is another kind of Love which awakens inside of you and in this Love it is not about letting go because this Love is always growing. So the question arises can we really love in this time that kind of Love? Well yes, it is possible because that kind of Love is unconditional Love which everybody carries through life from small, ‘til you reach your destination. You always carry this universal Love inside of you and whether you love in a different kind of love or the universal Love is determined by how you let it vibrate within you. So the question is, like I said, if it’s possible to love? Yes, it is possible to love this kind of Love. To be able to let it grow and awaken inside of you, you should learn first to accept. But accept what? There are so many things to accept. When you look around, everywhere is telling you to accept. Accept this because everybody says this is right or that is right, but it is not about accepting this or that; it’s about accepting yourself. Only by accepting yourself you develop this trust inside of you. When you have this trust inside of yourself, this Love will grow more and more. Of course I don’t say that doubt will not arise, but this is where you will learn to control doubt by controlling the pride. There is one thing which can be an obstacle in one’s path and that is spiritual pride. When you live in the world outside, you don’t bother about anybody. You do your things and people do their things. But on the spiritual path very often there is competition. Each one competing with each other thinking which one is the best. It’s like if this one is like that then I have to be like that, too. No; you are individual and your aim, your dharma is different from everybody. Often people say “Swamiji I am on the spiritual path but I am working on this and that, I am so busy. I can’t be there!” Well, God has put you there so you have to do your duty there and if He chooses to come to you in that way, He will come to you. He will awaken the cosmic Love inside of you wherever you are the moment you start to accept. Have acceptance of yourself and then control this pride because this pride will always stop somebody.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The only thing that He wishes for is Pure Love.....

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
When somebody knows a song by heart their eyes are always closed.....

Monday, March 19, 2012
He’s neither male nor female.......

Someone asked me “Swamiji, why do you always say God as Him?” God is also Her, but in the world we always use words which have limits. God is beyond all these things, like Narayana for example. He takes the appearance of Mohini Devi or Shakti when He has to show that He’s beyond this duality. He’s neither male nor female. He’s beyond this concept. He loves everybody equally, but in the mind of Man there is this concept, there is this duality. As long as we think of this duality, we’ll have the duality, but if we think of ourselves as being the Spirit, like Christ said, we will become this Spirit. This is what you have to identify yourself as. The more you identify yourself with the body, the more you limit yourself. The more you identify yourself as the Spirit, as this droplet of the ocean, the more your longing will be to be back in the ocean. I guess that’s what all of you want, no? It has to be a “Yes” from within. It’s not about how loud it is. You can scream “Yes!!” or whatever, but if you don’t mean it, it will not happen. Somebody can be quiet, but when he’s meaning it inside, it will help.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Love is such a big gift!

When people say “I want to know God,” I answer “Know thyself.” By knowing your own self, you will know God, because when we want to know God outside, we automatically create a barrier, we create a limited form. We are this love, we are this light. We are not separate from God, we are part of God. To achieve this we must surrender. Surrender the mind which is always jumping around. Surrender the body, which is the temple of this light and love, and reflect this light always.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Who is your best friend?

Friday, March 16, 2012
The only thing is to attain this unity......

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Faith and Willpower

“Our Mother Earth is the most beautiful planet in the whole universe, not only in our solar system, but everywhere else.” What is so special about her within the whole universe – the universes – is that all the other planets and all the other spheres, they are governed by only one or two elements. As you all know, we have five elements, Earth has all the five elements in Her. That’s what makes Her special. All that is coming out of Her, which is everything that we can see, is made up of these five elements. Even our body, which we took from this earth plane, is made up of these five elements, so we are part of this creation. We are part of Her. It’s sad to see nowadays, how people behave, how people think. This creates a great impact on her, our thinking. It’s so easy to become negative, but very difficult to become positive. I have met many people who ask how to change that. You see, if we analyse how quickly we can change ourselves, that means that inside us we have a very great power. We have a great energy that can change from minute to minute, from second to second, from positive to negative from negative to positive. Why does one get stuck in the space of negativity? Do you think this brings positivity to you? No, it doesn’t. When it doesn’t bring positivity to you, it also affects nature. When nature gets affected, it affects this world, the surroundings that we are in. One person can change a lot. You have seen it in the past what the negativity of one person could do. One person in India – take the example of Ghandi – just one person’s positivity can change a lot also. So imagine, if inside of yourself you can change so quickly and change also not only you, but you can influence the outside and change the outside, then imagine if you become positive, how much it will contribute to Mother Earth, how much it will contribute to Prakriti, to Mother Nature – a lot! For that positivity – if you look at it both ways – I have given you two examples. I don’t want to mention the names, but in these two examples, one which is negative and one which is positive, what has made them really able to change the world? It’s amazing! Both of them are amazing. This is because of the full trust they had in what they wanted. In both ways, each one thought they were doing good, but the intensity of how much they believed in what they were doing, that is what brought the changes. This intensity is present in each one of us, but in place of making us more positive and more trusting in ourselves or making us stronger in our own will, what do we do? We make ourselves weak. Of course, when one becomes weak, one can’t expect what’s around them to be different. It’s like with one’s body – if the hand gets hurt, doesn’t it affect all the body? It does! You feel the pain everywhere. It becomes a handicap that you can’t use the hand because it hurts. Just the same Imagine if you become positive, how much it will contribute to Mother Earth, how much it will contribute to Prakriti, to Mother Nature – a lot! Your positivity can influence everything. One influences firstly oneself – one influences the mind, the body, the spirit. From that, one influences one’s surroundings and the surroundings will also influence nature and nature will balance itself. It’s simple! Well, I can say it’s simple. That’s what many will say “Well, it’s easy for you to say it is simple!” Like I said, it takes everybody together. We want peace in this world, we want peace in ourselves, we want to be happy, we want to make the world happy, so then we have to change. Nobody can change us, only we can change ourselves. It’s not what I am saying that will change you. No, only when you say to yourself “I want to change” with intensity, with full belief in yourself, then you will change. When you change, it will affect your surroundings. It will affect you; it will change you.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
The Love for God

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Your heart is opening bigger and bigger.....

Monday, March 12, 2012
The 84th Door.....

Close your eyes, drop inside your heart and feel this fullness. Feel the greatness of yourself, this greatness is you. This greatness is who you really are, without any egoism. Keep concentrating on this greatness inside you. This great love which is emanating from your heart. It passes through each cell of your body. Try to reflect it outside. Isn’t it beautiful to see each person as the full light body? Let the eighty-fourth door of your heart open up. And if your mind is troubling you, sing the name of God. There are so many of them.
Om Namo Narayanaya, Om Namo Narayanaya...
Guided Meditation
I would like to do a small meditation with you. It’s a very simple meditation. We will use our imagination. Like when a child is being a bit naughty, you just give it a game. Give a toy to the child and let the child play. The child is the mind. So, we’ll give the mind a game, and we’ll let him play his game.
If possible, it’s good to dim the lights.
• Try to sit straight, even in a chair. Make sure that your spine
is straight.
• Listen to your breathing. Listen to it. With the mind,
imagine OM on your forehead. Listen to the beautiful
melody of your breathing. Let yourself be drawn deeper and
deeper in it. Your mind will think. Let it pass. Don’t try to
stop it. Don’t use force to stop it. Don’t give any importance
to it.
• Keep your concentration on your breathing. Don’t hear
anything else other than your breathing.
• To stop the mind, let’s use it now. Let’s use it to imagine how
God is looking at us. Imagine yourself being God. Imaginethe majesty, the hugeness, the purity, the light. See your
physical body full of light. See your body radiating this light
very brightly. There is so much joy within that is coming out
from inside you. So much happiness.
• Now, imagine the people who surround you. Look at all of
them. See the same light in them. There’s no difference.
Visualize the town where we are. Everybody’s radiating
the same light. See the whole of California radiating light.
Imagine the animal kingdom. They also radiate the same
light. Imagine the plant kingdom. You see the same light.
See the ocean kingdom reflecting the same light.
• See the whole U.S. full of light. See the whole world reflecting
this brilliant light. There is no disharmony. There is no hate.
There is just peace and love. The whole universe is radiating
this beautiful light.
• Now, reduce all this light to one central point which is called
the heart. See yourself sitting in all this light around that
you have been imagining. See all this light shrinking and
entering one point – the heart. In the heart, you feel lots of
warmth… happiness… joy…
OM….. OM….. OM…..
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Love is a Great Teacher.....

The next yoga is Bhakti yoga, which is considered one of the easiest yoga. In bhakti, the first step you make but in that form of yoga, the first step that you make, the Lord makes ten steps towards you. You know your goal in life. In karma yoga, you have to walk towards that goal, you have to climb to the peak of that mountain. In Bhakti yoga, you are flying towards that mountain with a helicopter. Then, the third yoga is Raja yoga. Raja yoga is divided into many forms of yoga. That’s where your spiritual exercises come, like Atma Kriya, Hatha yoga; all these yoga fall into the Raja yoga. In Rajayoga you come to the point where you go into Samadhi. If you do your sadhana sincerely, when you do your spiritual practice sincerely, you come to the point of the samadhi state. What is the state of Samadhi? I said there is a mountain; in the first one you have to walk up there, in the second one you fly there and the third one, you don’t even need to carry your body. By will, you are there. Many great saints or sages have reached that point, where they could be in many places at once with this will. Like Christ – a man wanted Him to heal his servants and he said “Lord come to me, to my house, You shall heal my servant.” Christ said “Go home, your servant is healed.” This is the state, where you have touched the cosmic consciousness; you realise the infinite of your true Self. The last yoga is Jnana yoga. I will ask you; what is Jnana yoga? – tell me please – (someone: knowledge, knowing who you are). Yes, knowledge. The knowledge of the Self. But real Jnana yoga; very often people think that Jnana yoga can be found in books or one may find it or by practising, but real Jnana yoga is to have the wisdom, not just to know it, but to have the wisdom, that what you are looking for is that the beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning. With these four forms of yoga, anyone can attain Self-realisation or God-realisation. Each one is free to follow whichever path of yoga one wants to.
The main aim is to awaken this Divine Love, because without Love, you will not do anything. The key of all of these four kinds of yoga, is just the Love, the core of the heart. A love which consumes everything, a Love which will liberate you.
A teacher is not here just to give you good things, he has to teach you.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Through the grace of God.....

When the mind is in a calm state, when the mind doesn’t bother you, and the pride is not there, you are like a white cloth, no? The Divine is like a golden cloth.
What happens when the white cloth is brought closer to the golden cloth? Automatically the white cloth will start to reflect the golden cloth, no? The golden colour, the same thing, the more you advance towards the Divine, the more you do your effort to advance towards the Divine, the more the Divine will move closer to you. The closer he moves to you, the more his reflection will be on you. Then you become also Divine, then you realise this Divinity – the Divinity which you are already. Then you start to radiate it, you start to reflect it, you start to let it go into action. So whenever tests come, don’t fall into them, be strong. Whenever you feel you are down, know that you are not alone. The Divine is much closer than you think.