What is the Atma? It’s part of Paramatma and this Atma one day, whether it´s in this life or in a hundred lives, will go back to its Source where it comes from. There is no chance that it will never go back there, but it´s up to each one whether to quicken it or not. That´s the free will that God has given. You can quicken your way to the Divine and realise Him or you can just sit around and make it longer, which many people like to do. But everybody, in the end, will reach the Divine, because the essence of your Self is only Him. And only through this Love, when this Love really gets awakened and becomes like Radharani´s Love, then there is no chance of not attaining Him.
So, let Love rejoice inside of you, like I said, not only today, but always. And may you, by the grace of Radharani, become like Her. Like many other Saints, not only Radharani, but also among all the Deities who love the Lord, you will see that there is an expression of this Divine Love. If they could do it, we all can do it, also. If saints have achieved the Oneness with the Divine, be strong and say ‘yes’: you can and keep nagging the Lord inside of your heart until He opens the door and says, “Here I am, what do you want?” And be ready when He asks you what you want, to know, really, what you will ask Him.
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