I have to say is
all about Love and devotion. All that we do in our daily life, in our work,
in our spiritual path, it´s all to attain one thing: the purity of
Love, to become Self-Realised, but you cannot attain this purity, you
cannot Realise the Self without devotion. It’s possible only through
bhakti, through devotion. Without bhakti,
it’s difficult. Like
Sri Krishna said in the Gita “Cast
away all dogma. Cast away all that
is from the mind and surrender to me.” Only then True Love can
be Realised. The
Jnanis, they stick only to the mind. I
don’t say that it´s not good.
It´s good, but it will lead you only to a certain level. It is very good
to help, to do karma yoga,
but if you are not helping with the right
attitude, it will also bring you only to a certain level. Whereas with
bhakti, like Sri Krishna said to Uddhava:
Above all the yogas, I prefer
bhakti yoga. I prefer the
yoga of devotion, where the devotee and
the Lord become One; where there is no difference left, whereas in
all the other yoga, the difference stays.” When
I am talking about devotion, I don’t mean the kind of devotion that
will fade after one month, but pure devotion that lasts forever. There
are lots of people who have devotion in the beginning. When they
start their spiritual path they are very excited but, after some time,
their devotion fades. But real devotion is like the Lord said: If you
surrender to me, open your heart and say “Lord, take complete possession
of my heart. It’s only you that I’m looking for.” In
reality, all
the happiness that you are looking for - whatever you are
doing in the outside - is to achieve Satchitananda.
Wherever you look,
whoever you look at, they are all running towards this. The priest
is praying, but why do you think he is praying? He is praying for
real happiness. People on their spiritual path are, also, looking for
real happiness. Even people who are taking drugs: why do you think
they do that? They are looking for real happiness. too. Of course,
our mind doesn’t see it in the same way, but in the end, they are
looking for real happiness. And this real happiness lies deep inside
of you. Through
devotion, through singing the glory of God, all the dogma will
be removed and you will feel that
He is continuously present with
you. You will feel His Love continuously with you. The more you
feel Him, the more you become part of Him. Like it is said, also, in
the Gita:
When one chants the name of God, the Lord takes full possession
of that person. The more you lose yourself, the more you lose
your ego and pride, the more you will Realise the Divine, but the
more you hang onto pride, the more you hang onto identity, the less
you will find real happiness. So the easiest way that the Lord has
given to us is to sing His glory. Just sing any Divine Name and, when
you sing, let yourself be drawn into it and don’t try to think with
the mind. I
know that, especially in the West, we like to use the mind a lot. We like
to understand things with our mind, but
our mind has a limit. Does
the mind understand the heart? It will never understand it. The
mind will understand things only when there is a limit to them. If
there is a wall where you can bang yourself against, the mind will
understand. And then, of course, you will complain about it, because
it hurts. Whereas, when you centre yourself in your heart and
awaken this Divine Consciousness, Higher Consciousness inside,
you will always flow. No matter what, you will enter into Divine
Ecstasy and you will feel different energies flowing through you,
but the mind cannot understand and then it will cry “I want to understand
it, but I can’t!” When the power of the mind decreases, the
power of the heart increases. It is so simple: the Lord has sent
you here to Realise this, to develop bhakti
and to attain Self- Realisation. Whenever
we sing Radhe Shyam,
of course we have in our mind the
image of Radha and Krishna, but who are these
Radha and Krishna?
Krishna is Pure Love and
Radha is Bhakti and
one cannot
without the other. That’s why we always see them together and
we always mention their names together: Radhe
Shyam, which means
prema bhakti - love and
devotion. If this True Love, if this true
devotion arises inside of you, it will
lead you to Self-Realisation. We
have to put in our mind what is
our aim. Life is like entering into a
boat, which will guide you on the Ocean
of Samsara. The
boatman is the Satguru,
but into which boat do you want
to enter? You have to know the destination
where the boat will lead
don’t just enter any boat, without knowing its destination! Let
devotion arise: it will lead you on your spiritual path. Let Pure Love
guide you. When you Realise the Purity of Love, there will be
difference in your mind. The mind will see the Lord everywhere.