The Shastras say that the human body is made of the five elements, the Pancha Tattva. If you look at these five elements, they are constantly at war with each other.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Let’s analyse how the human body is.....
The Shastras say that the human body is made of the five elements, the Pancha Tattva. If you look at these five elements, they are constantly at war with each other.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Sri Swami Vishwananda tells us a Story today....
Saturday, April 28, 2012
The body, the mind and the soul, each one has to be an instrument of God....
Friday, April 27, 2012
“If you want to attain me, surrender yourself to your Guru and you will attain me.”
Thursday, April 26, 2012
It brings me great joy to see this surrender, you know...
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Realisation is not something outside that you can pick up from a tree....
When you chant God’s Name, you awaken this feeling of love. You awaken the Divine inside of you. Of course, it will not happen in one day because your mind has to be purified completely. Your trust has to build little by little. Your strength has to become more and more, then the Lord will shine through you.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
“Blessed is the one who believes without seeing”

Whenever you pray and you expect, saying, “Ok, I will pray to the Lord now. Probably He’s happy with me and He will come to me.” But He is happy with you, you know, whether you see Him or whether you don’t see Him. Whether you see Him or not, He is there! The moment you close your eyes and call for the Lord in any of His forms, He is there and He hears each prayer. Whether you see Him or not, He is there. This reminds me of what Christ said, “Blessed is the one who believes without seeing”.
He hears everything and, above all, He knows when to give you what you’re praying for and when you are ready. When you will be able to handle it, He will give it to you.
Monday, April 23, 2012
You become as you were before.....let you and God merge together, and become one.

There are different ways of attaining God, and one way is bhakti – devotion! You can have devotion to the Guru, or any form of the Divine. Devotion has no limits. When you open up your heart and let it flow, do you think this kind of love has limits? Love from the heart doesn’t have any limits, but the love here in the head has lots of limits.
As long as we limit love, as long as we keep on saying love has to be like this, or like that, do you think we will attain Divine love? We can’t. I can keep on talking about love, because I know what love is; I have experienced it. All of you know a little about love, but to truly understand it, one must experience it. And to experience it, one must let go of egoism. Egoism is the ‘I’ that keeps you away from realising yourself. Remove the ‘I’. Let you and God merge together, and become one. Like sugar, it gets mixed with water and becomes one. In the same way, let yourself merge together and disappear in the love of God. There will be no egoism that separates man from being Divine; because only Divinity exists. Only the universal consciousness exists. But, when we experience separation, we see the duality of things. We experience love, hate, jealousy, and all these things.
By being the consciousness, being completely Divine, all these things disappear – you become as you were before. And that is for everybody, it is not only for me. It’s not only for a few people who are around me; it’s for all of you. It’s accessible to everybody. If people really take time, just drop inside – everything is there.Sunday, April 22, 2012
Chant the name of God and be in love with God....

On your spiritual way; there are lots of things that you have to get rid of before achieving complete oneness with the Divine. That doesn’t mean that God is far away from you. He is here all the time, and He is waiting, telling you, “wake up and make yourself realised”, because you were born with this realisation! It’s just that all this dirt from the mind is limiting the Self. Cross over this, chant the name of God and be in love with God, because He is the only one that can really love you unconditionally, He is the only one who really gives to you without expecting something in return. Try to achieve this Love and to become this Love. Try to realise how much love you have inside of you and then spread it. Love can’t be kept. Like that you become an instrument of the Divine and He reflects through you, He acts through you. And then you realise what your mission is.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
“The value of a stone is known only to somebody who knows about gems”

Prayer: that’s what transforms somebody. Through prayer, people find solace; some to attain the lotus feet of the Lord, some to achieve whatever they desire in life. But the main thing is to pray: that’s what transform you, what gives you this inner glow, so that you can call yourself spiritual. People, humans are always on a search. They are always searching for something. Some people search for it in the outside world. Some people search for it in the inside world. But, only few really know the importance of prayer. In the Ramcharitmanas, Tulsidas said “The value of a stone is known only to somebody who knows about gems”. Then they can value how precious the stone is. The same thing: if somebody knows the glory of prayer, the glory of chanting the Divine Names, they know the value of it.
Before I said: prayer distinguishes one from other people outside; it distinguishes why you call yourself spiritual and why the other person is not so spiritual, because there is spirituality everywhere in different ways. In spirituality you reflect the glow. And the more you chant the Divine Name, the more you start to reflect the quality of the Divine, the qualities of love, compassion, joy, happiness, calmness. You start to reflect all these qualities, which the Divine has, through prayer, through the chanting of this Divine Name. So you start to become alike the Divine. And you don’t need to say this joy to somebody, you don’t need to express to somebody that you are happy. This joy that you will be having inside of you, it will reflect itself.
The same when you take the life of Saints. Take the life of Mirabai, Bhakta Prahlad, any Saints who have attained the Divine, they glow this light of the Divine. They glow, they reflect the Love of the Divine through them. They don’t need to talk about God, but they just need to be around. Same with all of you: the more you chant the Divine Names, the more the Divine will start to reflect on you. Then you can call yourself spiritual, because when you become spiritual, all the negative quality is removed from you, all the negative karma that you have created through many lives before, it get removed. And what takes place is this joy – the joy of serving, the joy of really being here, the joy of trying to attain the Lord, you know. And this joy starts to appear with you the more you attune yourself to the Divine. But you have to do the first step, because the Divine is already there. He’s waiting for you.
Prayer, can turn all your life into gold. It can turn all your negativity into purity.
Friday, April 20, 2012
It’s so easy, isn’t it?

There is a saying – approach Him with love, reach Him in that love, meet Him in love, embrace Him with love and merge with Him and become Eternal Love! I find it so beautiful.
So we start our journey to approach the Divine. Our first step is searching for Him. This is when in our life we feel the need to pray. Prayer is this essence of realising that there is something greater – whether you call it God, Light, Spirit… The search starts with prayer, and prayer makes the link, prayer makes the first step to this union.
Then one will reach the next step by meeting and reaching that love. By prayer the heart opens up, firstly towards the outside, then towards the inside. We meet Him in love. Through the reciting and singing of God’s names, like you are doing, you reach the point where love is, where everybody is sharing one goal: the achievement of that love.
Then there comes the point of meeting Him in love. This is happening in meditation, when you sit down and have the connection with your true Self. You meet the love within yourself and start this discussion, start this communication with the Self, about knowing who you really are. In this meeting we embrace that love, we become one with it and realise it more and more.
You grow more and more each day. And with this Divine love you will realise that there is no difference between the love that you knew at the beginning and now. And with this love there is no difference between you, me – anybody. But this Eternal Love, this Eternal Light resides in everything.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Sri Swami Vishwananda tells us today.....

Why do you think in all religions they say to chant the name of God, to recite the name of God? Even here, you just go outside reciting rosary everywhere. And for what? It is not just a beautiful thing to wear on you. No, you use it right now to chant the name of the Lord, so that you realise the unity between the Atma and the Paramatman. When you realise this unity between the Atma and the Paramatman, what will stay? Only the Paramatman will stay because the only reality of the Atma is the Paramatman. The only reality of the soul is God. Your soul wants to merge with and become One with God. It wants to attain His lotus feet. The one who has realised this, will join. Just in the simple name ‘Ram’, it can be granted.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Put yourself in the place of God. How would you see the world?

The human mind likes to judge a lot of things. We say that God is punishing people. God is doing this and God is doing that. However, it is not like that. It’s our own self. It’s we who see and say these things. But the Divine doesn’t see it like we do. When you rise to such a level of consciousness you don’t see any good or bad. Everything becomes neutral for you because the Divine resides everywhere.
So try to practice it every day. Imagine yourself as God! Watch whether you really see the negativity or if you see everything as God, as your own Self. If you practice this every day, I tell you the time will come where there will be no difference. You will feel the peace of God everywhere. Wherever you go, with whoever you are talking to, there will be this peace, this love. That is what you all are looking for.
So look at the world with a perfect mind. Look at it in a mind that doesn’t judge anything and doesn’t see anything good or bad. See everything as God, see everything as the Divine. And let this love flow everywhere. It’s simple, isn’t it?
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
If we just drop ourselves deep in our heart, we can feel this peace and happiness and enjoy it...

First you should realise love with your own self. Start loving yourself. Not in an egoistic way – some people think loving oneself is very egoistic, but to love the Self is not to love the body. Loving oneself is transcending the physical aspect. Through love you will develop trust and patience. If you have these three: love, trust and patience, you have everything else.
There are many lifetimes that you keep on with the same game. And you repeat and repeat the same thing, forgetting that the Lord is here deep inside our heart. We are looking for Him on the outside. We are looking for Him in this world, but we can just drop deep inside ourselves and find Him. Let go of the mind which is always busy looking on the outside. If we just drop ourselves deep in our heart, we can feel this peace and happiness and enjoy it. You will see how great it is, how great it is to love. Not just to say to somebody, “I love you”. But really to feel it from deep within you – this is the true love of loving somebody. It is not only for one person but for everybody. Love unconditionally!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Why did I say disciple and I didn’t say devotee?

The Guru gives Himself fully to his disciple. He gives Himself fully to the devotee. What the devotee has to do is to be like an empty receptable and receive everything.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Words of Sri Swami Vishwananda...
Saturday, April 14, 2012
If you write the name of God inside your heart, what will happen?

If you write the name of God inside your heart, what will happen? You will also float, but you will float in Divine Love, you will float in Divine Ecstasy, Divine Joy.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Sri Swami Vishwananda talks about........

Whenever we sing Radhe Shyam, of course we have in our mind the image of Radha and Krishna, but who are these Radha and Krishna? Krishna is Pure Love and Radha is Bhakti and one cannot exist without the other. That’s why we always see them together and we always mention their names together: Radhe Shyam, which means prema bhakti - love and devotion. If this True Love, if this true devotion arises inside of you, it will lead you to Self-Realisation. We have to put in our mind what is our aim. Life is like entering into a boat, which will guide you on the Ocean of Samsara. The boatman is the Satguru, but into which boat do you want to enter? You have to know the destination where the boat will lead you, don’t just enter any boat, without knowing its destination! Let devotion arise: it will lead you on your spiritual path. Let Pure Love guide you. When you Realise the Purity of Love, there will be no difference in your mind. The mind will see the Lord everywhere.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
In the depth of this love you’ll be one with the Divine.....

Whenever you call from deep within your heart, whenever you call any aspect of the Divine, the Divine will take that aspect and come to you. Mirabai’s love was so great that at the end of her life they blamed her for so many things – but she was fixed and steady on her Krishna.
There was a lot of jealousy around her. But this is normal. You see, when you have a power point, all the souls around want the same thing. But to get it, they don’t want to do anything. They just want to sit and be given it on a silver plate. You will receive it on a silver plate, yes, but first you have to make the effort. Otherwise the Divine will give you the silver plate, but your hand will be like this… it will fall down!
That’s why I’m talking about opening the heart of man, opening your heart to love. Because you can love, you can love beyond what your mind is thinking about love. In the depth of this love you’ll be one with the Divine. Beyond all the duality that the mind creates is only the Self, and that’s what each one is here for. And no matter which path you are following, at the end, each path will reach that point.
All paths are right but you have to be disciplined in them. When I say disciplined I don’t mean forcing or pressing. This is spirituality. Something that has to emerge from the heart of man, is like a flower that opens without any force. Let it open, and let it shine with beauty.
If somebody comes and tells you, “Oh, you are not spiritual, or you are like that...” don’t ever believe them, because spirituality is not visible to any human eyes. You can be religious on the outside and this is visible to everybody. Many people are religious outside just to escape something, but spirituality is within you. And only you and God know it. You know how much you open your heart; you know how much you love. It’s not upon me or anybody else to tell you that. I can tell you, just open up your heart and love. It’s up to you to do it – without any fear and without any doubt that your heart is open.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
A true friend is ready to sacrifice everything......

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
“Lord, do whatever you want with me, whenever you want with me, and however you want with me”.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Sri Swami Vishwananda tells us a story .....

Monday, April 2, 2012
Sri Swami Vishwananda tells us today.....
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Words of Sri Swami Vishwananda...