What I want to share from my experiences is that love conquers everything.It is my hope that it will inspire the readers to open their hearts to the Divine. If we can try to understand that we all are equally part of the Divine and are here to achieve this greater Truth and to realise our Self - if we make this our goal and do everything with Love…then everything will be lovely and you will always be happy.


Sri Swami Vishwananda

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Why does man not say it’s enough?

When you were a toddler, when you are still a baby, you are born full with light. When a baby is born, the father, the mother, and all the people around it say, “Oh the baby is so beautiful, so radiant.” Isn’t it? Then what happens afterwards? When the child is born, it reflects the light of God, but when the child grows up the light goes deep inside the heart. With the world being how it is outside, it creates a lot of shadows over this light, and the same people who twenty years ago maybe said, “This child is full of light”, they start saying the child is very bad.

Isn’t this interesting? How can the same child who reflected the light be the same old person in front of you, who now does not reflect the same light? If we look properly with our third eye, we will see that all of you reflect the same light, whether it is a small baby or an adult.

But our mind is busy judging. In this judging, our mind enjoys looking only at the negative parts of life. How this person is dressed or how this person behaves, we tend to see only the negative. But behind what we see with our two physical eyes is the reality. If we look with our eyes through the heart, we will be able to see the reality. First we’ll see the reality of our Self.

We incarnate time after time to attain one thing: liberation. This word “liberation” is present in all Holy Scriptures. Take the Bible, Jesus talks about it; in the Koran, the prophet Mohammed talks about it; take the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna talks about it. So why does man not achieve it? Why does man not say it’s enough?

For many humans the door is now here. Don’t let the itching of the world get you. You want liberation? Make it strong in your mind; make it strong deep inside your heart. Let it reach fulfilment outside. You are this light. And you all can merge back in this light. You have to want it very, very strongly. It has to be the most important thing in your life. There are many divine incarnations. They all come, they all teach, they all go. People at different times assimilate it in their own way. But we are living in such an age right now that it is very easy to attain Self-realisation.

We just need to be simple with ourselves. Simple in the mind. When I say simple, I mean just to love. Make this love unconditional. This love that you have inside of you, the source of all things, let it flow. Don’t try to stop it; don’t put any barrier around it. Now you are putting up barriers. How long can these barriers hold this love? It will overflow one day. So let it overflow, let it flow right now. But at the end of life you will say, “Oh, I should have done this much more before. I wasted all my life in running after things that have a limit to them. .”

Close your eyes, drop inside your heart and feel this fullness. Feel the greatness of yourself. And this greatness is you. This greatness is who you really are. Without any egoism. Keep concentrating on this greatness inside you. This great love which is emanating from your heart. It passes through each cell of your body. Try to reflect it outside. Isn’t it beautiful to see each person as the full body of light? Let the eighty-fourth door of your heart open up.

And if your mind is troubling you, sing the name of God.

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