What I want to share from my experiences is that love conquers everything.It is my hope that it will inspire the readers to open their hearts to the Divine. If we can try to understand that we all are equally part of the Divine and are here to achieve this greater Truth and to realise our Self - if we make this our goal and do everything with Love…then everything will be lovely and you will always be happy.


Sri Swami Vishwananda

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Great Power of a Positive Mind....

One person can change a lot. You have seen it in the past what the negativity of one person could do, here in Germany itself. One person in India – take the example of Ghandi – just one person’s positivity can change a lot also. So imagine, if inside of yourself you can change so quickly and change also not only you, but you can influence the outside and change the outside, then imagine if you become positive, how much it will contribute to Mother Earth, how much it will contribute to Prakriti, to Mother Nature – a lot!  For that positivity – if you look at it both ways – I have given you two examples. I don’t want to mention the names, but in these two examples, one which is negative and one which is positive, what has made them really able to change the world? It’s amazing! Both of them are amazing. This is because of the full trust they had in what they wanted. In both ways, each one thought they were doing good, but the intensity of how much they believed in what they were doing, that is what brought the changes. This intensity is present in each one of us, but in place of making us more positive and more trusting in ourselves or making us stronger in our own will, what do we do? We make ourselves weak. Of course, when one becomes weak, one can’t expect what’s around them to be different. It’s like with one’s body – if the hand gets hurt, doesn’t it affect all the body? It does! You feel the pain everywhere. It becomes a handicap that you can’t use the hand because it hurts. Just the same way, when one becomes positive, one influences the wholeness. One influences firstly oneself – one influences the mind, the body, the spirit. From that, one influences one’s surroundings and the surroundings will also influence nature and nature will balance itself. It’s simple! Well, I can say it’s simple. That’s what many will say “Well, it’s easy for you to say it is simple!” Like I said, it takes everybody together. We want peace in this world, we want peace in ourselves, we want to be happy, we want to make the world happy, so then we have to change. Nobody can change us, only we can change ourselves. It’s not what I am saying that will change you. No, only when you say to yourself “I want to change” with intensity, with full belief in yourself, then you will change. When you change, it will affect your surroundings. It will affect you; it will change you. A few days ago I was talking with somebody who a few months ago found out that she had cancer. Of course, normally when people hear that, how do they become? Depressed and sad; it’s like the world is finished for them. Well, that person was very positive from the beginning. This positivity has changed her. She is getting better and better. That’s wonderful! You see, your positivity can influence everything. You influence yourself, for example, tomorrow morning, when you wake up, if your first thought is, “Oh, my goodness, another day, I don’t know how it will be” – do you think the day will be positive? It will not! If you wake up and feel happy, you will see how happy the day will be. Then of course everything around you will rotate into happiness, and at the end of the day, what you will say is “Today was a lovely day! Today was a beautiful day!” But this day, what made it beautiful? It is you who made it beautiful, because from the beginning you believed that it would be a beautiful day and that thought made everything beautiful. It’s not about the outside, it’s about you, nobody else. If you change, the world will change. If you change, peace will be here. You will be happy. Even one person being really happy will make a big difference.